Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fake Bake Self-Tanning Lotion, 6-Ounces Review

Fake Bake Self-Tanning Lotion, 6-Ounces
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I've been sunless tanning for well over 7 years. When I don't sunless tan, I am naturally so pale that I have a blue tint. A CPR instructor once used me as an example of what someone would look like if they weren't getting enough oxygen, and no, I'm not kidding you. I've used everything from drugstore graduals to airbrush solutions, and I hope they never stop making this Fake Bake lotion. There's a sunless tanning community forum where this was mentioned as being foolproof, and I thought I'd try it as I always ended up with streaking on my legs with the airbrush solution I was using, and graduals didn't give me enough color to be worth it.
Let me tell you, this Fake Bake lotion is great, definitely foolproof. The first time I used this was on vacation which is a little scary but I wasn't disappointed. The only places I don't apply the Fake Bake are my hands and feet (I blend Dove med-dark Energy Glow there into my wrists and ankles) and my face (I worried that the dark color guide would get in my pores, so I use clear airbrush solution on my face). I'll apply 2 coats in the same night, by applying one coat all over starting at my ankles and then once I've finished doing my arms, I'll go right back and apply more on my legs, working my way up again. (Don't worry if the color guide doesn't blend in evenly at this point, it'll come out even in the morning.) This will make me as dark as I can get. The first time I used Fake Bake my husband noticed and exclaimed, "You are TAN!" He thought it looked very good and natural, and all the times I've used the Fake Bake since then, he still gives it a thumbs up. I love it. The Fake Bake doesn't have the best scent to my husband, but he doesn't mind as he knows it's important to me to be tan, and to be tan without the sun or tanning beds.
Some rules apply to all self-tanners, otherwise you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Here goes:
1) You have to exfoliate before you tan. Use exfoliation gloves you can find at any drugstore, and don't bother with scrubs (like the paste kind that come in a tube or tub), they just don't work as well. Get exfoliation gloves.
2) Tan in the evening, giving yourself 30 minutes to dry before heading to bed. Tanning during the day simply does not work. You'll smell funny, it'll get on your clothes, and you can't avoid water during the day. Let the tan develop while you sleep!
3) Make sure your sheets are dark colored, like burgundy, dark brown, or plum colored. If you have white or cream colored sheets, forget about it, they will be brown in the morning. I also have a thick mattress pad because sunless tanner will work its way through a fitted sheet and stain your mattress if you don't have a pad under your sheets.
4) Wear gloves! You have to wear gloves! Using bare hands and washing them afterward has never worked for me. Wear gloves until you've finished everywhere else, then tan your hands with a gradual tanner and blending into your wrists well.
5) Apply lotion to your palms after you've finished gradual tanning your hands, and rub your palms to your elbows to get a good bit of lotion there, and this will sound weird, but carefully apply lotion with a fingertip to the knuckle on your big toes. They grab tanner on me, so I apply lotion there too. Then take a paper towel and rub the lotion off your palms and big toe knuckles, and wipe the lotion off your elbows (because of the color guide, it'll look odd there, but it'll be even in the morning). Use the now-lotion-covered paper towel to wipe your fingernails and cuticles off.
6) Avoid water until the morning. Don't brush your teeth after you've applied sunless tanner, you'll end up with a lovely pale ring around your mouth because the tanner was disturbed there.
I hope this helps! It's never too late to stop UV tanning and start sunless tanning. Your skin will thank you!

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